Meet the Tarantulas!


Using a selection of live spiders, Guy will take you on a journey into their mysterious world where you will learn about their natural history and secretive lives. Where do they live? What do they eat? How do they move? Are they as dangerous as you think? All of these questions and much more are discussed over the course of the display.


Guy has over 30 years of experience working with tarantulas and having owed over 700 of them, he brings his knowledge and enthusiasm to these spider-only displays.


Conquer your spider fear! Get up close to real live tarantulas, find out what they feel like and even have a photograph* taken with one in a very safe way. Turn your arachnophobia into arachNOphobia!


Events can be tailored to suit your needs. Timed talks or all-day drop-in events? Guy can advise what’s best for you and your visitors.


Click here for photographs of previous spider events.


Click here for booking info or email Guy for more details.


*Photographs may not be possible due venue and/or animal welfare issues etc.




Using his own photographs and video clips, Guy will take you on a trip through some of the most amazing places in the world, from desert to rainforest. He can also bring along live specimens for you to see.


Over the last 20 years Guy has travelled through Borneo, Africa, South America and Asia searching for tarantulas, photographing them and studying their habitats.


During these trips many fascinating animals are encountered from giant insects to amazing reptiles, amphibians and everything in-between. Often many new species of tarantula have been discovered too.


Lasting 1 hour, the talks will be suitable for Cubs, Scouts, Guides, photographic societies, women’s groups, natural history groups etc.


Subjects include:


‘Suriname: In Search of the World’s Largest Spider’


'Travels Through the Rainforests of the World'


'Bugs of the World'


'Tarantulas of the World'


‘Tarantulas - An Introduction’




Are you afraid of spiders? Can’t cope when you find one in your home or garden? Holiday destinations restricted due to your fear? Need help?


bugsnstuff offers one to one arachnophobia sessions in the north east. The aim of the session is to enable you to become comfortable around spiders that you may come across in your home and daily life, and deal with them accordingly (capture and release).


Guy has over 30 years of experience with spiders and over the course of 3 hours, the session involves:


An-depth discussion about phobias (their causes and effects)

Amazing spider facts (why spiders do what they do)

British house spider capture and release practice (optional)

A chance to hold a large, friendly tarantula (optional)

A certificate of your achievement




“I was very surprised at how calm I was after the session and how relaxed in the company of both the house spider and tarantula. After a lifetime of arachnophobia, the combination of discussion and practical excersises worked and my attitude and, more importantly, my reaction to spiders has completely changed."

Declan, Blyth.


“Guy has the patience of a saint! This was a fantastic experience and to be able to control my reaction to this lifetime fear without dissolving into blind panic and terror is truly liberating!”

Joanne, Morpeth.


"So today I had the wonderful Guy come round to my house to help me overcome my fear of spiders. Right from the start his knowledge of spiders just blew my mind, he made me feel so at ease and there was no pressure at all to do any of the challenges he asked me to do. I never in a million years thought I'd be able to go near a spider let alone put my whole hand down next to one (yes I did blabber when I'd achieved it). All i can say is if like me those 8 legged creatures terrify you then book a one to one session with Guy. He doesn't guarantee he can cure you but please believe me when I say he really can help you over come your fear in a way we're you can be comfortable with a spider!"

Elaine, Wallsend.


Click below to listen and watch a recent BBC Radio Newcastle interview following Elaine’s session - a lifelong arachnophobic who finally found the courage to conquer her fear and ask Guy for help!


“There is no reason for you to live in fear. Get over your arachnophobia in as little as THREE HOURS! Honestly, I’ve seen Guy turn people around from a lifetime of being terrified of even looking at pictures of spiders or just talking about them, to getting them to safely (for the spider!) catch and release some of the biggest house spiders I’ve ever seen. Please just get in touch with him. You won’t regret it!”

Vicky, Wallsend.


Are you ready to conquer your fear? Contact Guy here to find out more.

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